En g lish
To cle a n t h e e xt e rio r
z Op e ra t in g t h e Un it
z Ad d it io n a l In fo rm a t io n
Ca sse t t e -Co rd e r
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water. Do not use alcohol, benzine
or thinner.
Ab o u t Th is Ma n u a l
The instructions in this manual are for TCM-333 and TCM-323. Before
you start reading, check your model number. TCM-333 is the model used
for illustration purposes. Any differences in operation are clearly
indicated in the text, for example, “TCM-333 only”.
Re co rd in g (se e Fig . B-a, b)
Pre ca u t io n s
Operating Instructions
Manual de instrucciones (en el reverso)
You can record right away with the built-in microphone.
On p o w e r
• Operate the unit only on 3V DC.
Sp e cifica t io n s
Recording system
2-track 1 channel monaural
Frequency range
Insert a normal (TYPE I) tape with the side to start recording facing
the cassette holder.
For AC operation, use the AC power adaptor recommended for the
unit. Do not use any other type (TCM-333 only).
For battery operation, use two size R6 (AA) batteries.
z Ge t t in g St a rt e d
Press r REC.
Recording starts.
At the end of the tape, recording stops and the unit turns off
250 - 6,300 Hz
On t h e u n it
Sony Corporation 1998 Printed in China
Pre p a rin g a Po w e r So u rce
Choose one of the following power sources.
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a place
subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or mechanical shock.
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit, remove the batteries
or disconnect the AC power adaptor (TCM-333 only), and have the unit
checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further.
• Keep personal credit cards using magnetic coding or spring-wound
watches etc. away from the unit to prevent possible damage from the
magnet used for the speaker.
Approx. 3.6 cm (17⁄16 in.) dia.
Pow er output
130 mW (at 10 % harmonic distortion)
Earphone jack (minijack) for 8 - 300 ohms earphone
Pow er requirements
Press or slide
Dry Ba t t e rie s (se e Fig . A-a)
Make sure that nothing is connected to the DC IN 3V jack (TCM-333 only).
Stop recording
Pause recording
Open the battery compartment lid.
Insert two size R6 (AA) batteries (not supplied) with correct polarity
and close the lid.
Fo r cu st o m e rs in t h e Un it e d St a t e s
Ow n e r’s Re co rd
The model number is located at the bottom and the serial number is
located inside the cassette holder. Record the model and serial
numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to these numbers
whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
PAUSE c in the direction of the arrow
To release pause recording, release PAUSE
• Two size R6 (AA) batteries (not supplied): 3V DC
• DC IN 3 V jack (TCM-333 only) accepts:
– AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not supplied) suitable in the
country where the unit is to be used.
– Sony DCC-E230 car battery cord (not supplied) for use on 12 V car
• If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in the playback mode
and warm it up for a few minutes before inserting a tape.
0 REW/
Review the portion
just recorded
Press and hold 0 REW/ REVIEW
during recording.
• Do not charge a dry battery.
• Do not use a new battery with an old one.
• Do not use different types of batteries.
• When you do not use the unit for a long time, remove the batteries to
avoid any damage caused by battery leakage and subsequent corrosion.
• (TCM-333 only) Dry batteries will not be expended when another
power source is connected.
On t a p e s lo n g e r t h a n 90 m in u t e s
We do not recommend the use of tapes longer than 90 minutes except for
a long continuous recording or playback. They are very thin and tend to
be stretched easily.
Release the button at the point to start playback.
Dimensions (w /h/d) (incl. projecting parts and controls)
Approx. 112 × 91 × 36.5 mm
(41⁄2 × 35⁄8 × 17⁄16 in.)
* PAUSE c will be also automatically released when p STOP is
pressed (stop-pause-release function).
Model No.
Serial No.
Mass (not incl. batteries)
If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit, please
consult your nearest Sony dealer.
To m o n it o r t h e so u n d
Connect an earphone (not supplied) firmly to the EAR jack.
Approx. 170g (6.0 oz)
Side A
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
To t a ke o u t t h e b a t t e rie s (se e Fig . A-b)
Tab for side A
Do not use a CrO2 (TYPE II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape, otherwise the
sound may be distorted when you play back the tape, or the previous
recording may not be erased completely.
To a t t a ch t h e b a t t e ry co m p a rt m e n t lid if it is
a ccid e n t a lly d e t a ch e d (se e Fig . A-c)
Tro u b le sh o o t in g
Should any problem persist after you have made these checks, consult
your nearest Sony dealer.
Th is w a rra n t y is va lid o n ly in t h e Un it e d
St a t e s.
Est a g a ra n t ía e s vá lid a so la m e n t e e n
Est a d o s Un id o s.
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s (se e Fig .A-d)
Replace the batteries with new ones when the BATT lamp dims.
To p re ve n t a t a p e fro m b e in g a ccid e n t a lly
re co rd e d o ve r (se e Fig . B-c)
Break out and remove the cassette tabs. To reuse the tape for recording,
cover the tab hole with adhesive tape.
Yo u ca n n o t p re ss r REC.
The tab on the tape has been removed.
Yo u ca n n o t p re ss ( PLAY.
• After the batteries have been used for a while, the BATT
lamp may flicker with the playback sound when you turn up the
volume; however, this does not mean that you need to replace the
• The unit will play back normally for a while even after the BATT lamp
dims. However, replace the batteries as soon as you can. If you do not,
subsequent recording will not be done correctly.
The tape has reached the end. Rewind the tape.
Th e u n it d o e s n o t o p e ra t e .
The batteries have been inserted with incorrect polarity.
The batteries are weak.
PAUSE c is slid in the direction of the arrow.
The AC power adaptor or car battery cord is not firmly
connected (TCM-333 only).
Pla yin g a Ta p e (se e Fig . C)
Insert a cassette with the side to start playing facing the cassette
The batteries have been inserted, but simultaneously the AC
power adaptor is connected and not to be done to the wall outlet
(TCM-333 only).
Battery life (Approximate hours)
Press ( PLAY then adjust the volume. There is a raised dot to show
the direction to turn down volume beside VOL.
At the end of the tape, playback stops and the unit turns off
If you plug in headphones (not supplied) to the EAR jack, you will get
monaural output from both left and right channels.
No so u n d co m e s fro m t h e sp e a ke r.
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)
Sony R6P (SR)
The earphone is plugged in.
The volume is turned down completely.
* Measured value by the standard of EIAJ(Electronic Industries
Association of Japan). (Using a Sony HF series cassette tape)
Th e so u n d d ro p s o u t o r co m e s w it h e xce ssive
n o ise .
The volume is turned down completely.
The batteries are weak.
The heads are contaminated. See “Maintenance.”
Press or slide
BATT lamp
The battery life may shorten depending on the operation of the unit.
Stop playback/ stop fast
forward or rewind
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e m a d e .
Ho u se Cu rre n t (TCM-333 o n ly) (se e Fig . A-e)
Connect the AC power adaptor to DC IN 3V and to the wall outlet. Use
the AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not supplied). Do not use any other
AC power adaptor.
PAUSE c in the direction of the arrow
To release pause playback, release PAUSE
Connection is made incorrectly.
The batteries are weak.
The record / playback head is contaminated.
Pause playback
Erase head
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e e ra se d co m p le t e ly.
Press and hold ) FF/ CUE and release it
at the point you want
Search forward during
playback (CUE)
The erase head is contaminated.
Recording or erasing is being made using recorded CrO2 (TYPE
II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape.
Polarity of the plug
AC pow er adaptor
Press and hold 0 REW/ REVIEW and
release it at the point you want
Search backward during
playback (REVIEW)
Cotton sw ab
Record/playback head
) FF/ CUE during stop
0 REW/ REVIEW during stop
Fast forward**
Specifications for AC-E30HG varies for each area. Check your local
voltage and the shape of plug before purchasing.
Ma in t e n a n ce (se e Fig . D)
To cle a n t h e t a p e h e a d s a n d p a t h
Wipe the heads, pinch rollers, and the capstans with a cotton swab
moistened with alcohol every 10 hours of use.
Start recording
during playback
* PAUSE c will be also automatically released when p STOP is
pressed (stop-pause-release function).
** If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or rewound, the
batteries will be consumed rapidly. Be sure to depress p STOP.
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